Trayan Iliev
Trayan Iliev (https://www.linkedin.com/in/trayaniliev/) is developer of end-to-end reactive full-stack applications and services using ES, TypeScript, Angular, React and Vue.js clients, and Spring 5, Reactor, Kafka, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Express and Java EE back-ends. He has 15+ years of software development experience and 12+ years experience as enterprise IT trainer. Trayan is CTO of IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies – training and consultancy company, focused on novelties in front-end and REST/gRPC/GraphQL backend development – reactive UI, end-to-end reactive programming, distributed event stream processing, real-time micro-service architectures, etc. Trayan has presentations on local developer conferences such as Voxxed Days, jPrime, jProfessionals, BGOUG, on topics like Spring 5, Reactor, SOA & REST, CDI, Java EE, React, Angular, Ionic, Node.js, RxJS, reactive java robotics, high-performance java. He is robotics / smart-things/ IoT enthusiast and organizes RoboLearn hackathons in Sofia.